Which Types of Dental Crown Material Are Right for You?

04/07/23 13 MIN Read

A dental crown is a tailored procedure for providing coverage and protection to a damaged or decayed tooth. Besides its practical applications, this tooth-shaped cap can also serve cosmetic purposes.

Because a dental crown could be on a patient’s tooth for a long time to serve the above purposes, which can be up to a decade, choosing the most suitable dental crown material that fits your budget and goes well with your mouth interior is very important. 

If you are curious about the types of dental crown material out there and which type suits you best, this blog post is for you.

4 Common Types of Dental Crowns 

Currently on the market, there are four well-known types of dental crown materials for dental patients: 

  • Porcelain (famous for its natural appearance),
  • Metal (often chosen for its durability and strength),
  • Ceramic (known for its strength and natural-looking appearance),
  • Resin (a more affordable option to match the color of natural teeth).

Here is a further breakdown of those four material types of dental crowns.

Porcelain Dental Crowns

For patients looking for a natural-looking dental restoration, porcelain dental crowns are a favored option. 

They are popular due to their natural appearance and ability to match the color of adjacent teeth, particularly the front teeth. They may, however, be more susceptible to chipping or cracking than metal or ceramic crowns. 

Typically, porcelain crowns can last for 10 – 15 years and are recommended for patients with healthy gums and sufficient tooth structure. 

Metal Dental Crowns

If you want a sturdier and more durable option for your mischievous set of teeth, you can go with metal as your crown material.

They are commonly used for molars and back teeth because of their resistance to breaking or chipping. However, they are less aesthetically pleasing than other materials and may be more noticeable in the mouth.

Patients with strong biting forces and a history of teeth grinding should consider metal crowns, which can last for 20 – 30 years when maintained well.

Ceramic Dental Crowns

Ceramic dental crowns are a good option for patients who care about their appearance.

They are highly aesthetic, and they can easily blend in with the surrounding teeth. Regardless, they may not be as durable as other materials and are more likely to crack or chip if you bite strongly. 

Ceramic crowns are recommended for patients who do not have a history of teeth grinding or clenching, and if properly cared for, they can last for 10 – 15 years. 

Resin Dental Crowns

Because of their plastic nature, resin dental crowns are a more cost-effective alternative to the above types.

They can be color-matched to natural teeth and are less likely to cause wear on opposing teeth than other materials, but they may be less durable and more prone to fracture than other materials. 

Resin crowns are suggested for patients who do not grind their teeth and have weak biting forces. They typically have a lifespan of 5 – 10 years and may require replacement more frequently than other types.

4 Types of Dental Crown Materials Comparison

For a quick summary of the aforementioned four types of dental crown material, here is a table highlighting the main details of those four in terms of comparable criteria:


Porcelain Metal Ceramic Resin
Advantage Has a natural appearance Strong resistance to breaking High aesthetic Cost-effective
Disadvantage More expensive and prone to chipping Not as good looking Could break when biting heavily Less durable, easier to fracture
Longevity 10 – 15 years 20 – 30 years 10 – 15 years 5 – 10 years
Suitable cases Patients with healthy gums and tooth structure Patients who bite strongly and grind their teeth many times Patients who do not grind or clench their teeth Patients with no teeth-grinding and weak biting forces


Since each type of dental crown has its pluses and minuses, the best option for a patient must be based on various factors. In order to best choose a material that suits them, patients must communicate effectively with their dentist to obtain information about:


Choosing the right dental crown material can be a challenging task, but we hope this article has helped you understand the differences in lifespan and the purpose of each type and the material that is within your budget.

It’s important to consult with a trusted dental professional to determine which types of dental crown material suit you best. If you’re in NYC, our team at New York City Smiles would be happy to be that trusted dental partner of yours.

We are committed to empowering, perfecting, and protecting our patients’ oral health. We aim to keep you smiling and make your overall well-being our top priority.


C. (n.d.). Dental Crowns: Why Would You Need One? Cleveland Clinic. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/treatments/10923-dental-crowns

Types of Materials Available for my Dental Crown – Lasting Impressions Dental Group Houston TX. (2020, October 12). Lasting Impressions Dental Group Houston TX. https://www.lastingimpressionsdentalgroup.com/blog/types-of-materials-available-for-my-dental-crown/

5 Tips to Care for Your Dental Crowns: A Briter Smile: Cosmetic Dentistry. (n.d.). 5 Tips to Care for Your Dental Crowns: A Briter Smile: Cosmetic Dentistry. https://www.abritersmile.com/blog/5-tips-to-care-for-your-dental-crowns

Dental Crowns: How Long Do They Last? – Abbadent Dental and Implants Dubuque Iowa. (2019, August 12). Abbadent Dental and Implants Dubuque Iowa. https://www.abbadent.com/blog/dental-crowns-how-long-do-they-last/

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